Thursday, November 10, 2011

Email #104 of 104... or something like that.

Wow!  I couldn't think of a better way to finish off my mission than a baptism.  What a glorious weekend this has been.  The baptism went amazingly.  We visited Noretta (proper spelling) every day this week getting her ready and making sure that she was truly ready and that she wasn't going to pull out last minute.  We even did some service with her on Thursday.  I've never met somebody be more ready for baptism on my mission than her.  The baptismal interview took place on Tuesday night, and we were kind of worried because it was supposed to start at 7:30, and when we rocked up to the chapel after our appointment got out around 8:45, she was still in there with President Pilkington.  So I didn't know if a long interview was a good thing or a bad thing.  Turned out it was a good thing though because President was really able to get to know her and really find out what her concerns were and help her.  She doesn't quite yet wrap her head around the fact that this is THE only true and living church upon the earth, but she feels good with this decision and she feels that there is definitely some truth to what we teach.  But that's ok, that testimony will come over time.  She is committed to living the commandments, coming to church every week, and being a staunch member.  The biggest thing for her is her children.  They are a rambunctious couple of kids.  She has a hard time getting them to be reverent during church, and even the Primary President said that they're a handful, but then again, she is so happy to have 2 more kids in her dwindling Primary.  Never in my whole mission have I had someone read the entire Book of Mormon before getting baptised before now.  And I truly believe and know that that's the reason she chose to be baptised.  The branch has begun to take her under her wing and all is well.  I'm so glad that there's such a thing as facebook.  It will make it so much easier to keep in touch with her and other people after my mission to help them stay strong in the gospel. 
Well this week starts the bittersweetness of leaving my mission.  We had a farewell party for me at the chapel last night.  A few families from the branch came, but it was organised by the Clarke's, and they're by far my favourite family in Karratha.  Today and tomorrow I'll just be going around visiting everybody in Karratha, members and investigators alike, and saying my goodbyes, and then I fly down to Perth on Wednesday.  Then it starts over on Thursday, going around Perth and saying goodbye to everyone that I love there.  That might be a bit hectic.  Only one day to see EVERYBODY.  We'll see how that goes.  I'm going to miss Perth.  Friday we meet at the mission office for lunch and pictures at 11:30, then between lunch and dinner, President Cahoon has to do 13 exit interviews, and I don't know what we'll be doing during that time when we're not the one being interviewed, then we go to the Mission President's home for dinner then we get driven to the airport.  Normally it would just be the APs taking us to the airport, but because our intake is so large, President will probably have to take a few in his car and then a senior couple might take a few in their car.  I love our intake.  I can't wait to see them all again this week.  I love missionaries.  Being able to call them my fellow servants of the Lord is going to be something I miss.  What a great calling a responsibility it is to be a missionary.  I can't imagine what life would be like if I had not served a mission.  I know I wouldn't be nearly as happy and I wouldn't have nearly the rooted testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ that I have now.  Yesterday in fast and testimony meeting I got up to bare my testimony for the last time in church on my mission, and I thought back to the first time I bore my testimony in church on my mission.  My testimony has been built upon a solid foundation of prayer, love, sacrifice, scripture study, and service over the last two years.  Even can notice that.  How grateful I am to have served the Lord in the Australia Perth Mission over the past 23 months and 3 weeks.  How grateful I am to be able to serve for one more week as a full time representative of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I will truly miss that.
Thank you all for your prayers and your support over the last two years.  It really does mean so much to me.  The power of prayer is so real.  For example, we've been praying all week that the baptism would go well and everything would run smoothly.  Well apparently, Sister Weeks wasn't feeling well and neither was Noretta's daughter on Saturday morning prior to the baptism.  But they both said that they were feeling better just in time to go to the baptism.  And then after the baptism, Sister Weeks began to feel sick again (which also gave us an opportunity to give her a blessing), but that just goes to show you that God does hear and answer our prayers.  Because we remained so diligent in obedience and prayer for the week leading up the the baptism, we were blessed with a great day.  Sister Weeks even provided some food (a platter from subway) and some dessert for afterwards. 
Well, this is my last email.  I don't really want to bring it to an end because that means that when I do, then it will really begin to sink in that next time I talk to you all will either be in person, over the phone, or on facebook lol.  Haha, I guess I just need to face reality.  But I'm SO excited to see all of you again.  I love you all!  I'll talk to you soon!
Much much love,
Elder Tanner
Karratha Chapel

Kathy and Karena at the Op Shop

Noretta's Baptism


The Seugas

The Clarkes!

The Clarkes 2!