Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Week 1

Well, first P-Day at the MTC. This week has been pretty awesome. I've already learned so much more than I ever have in my life. And I'm slowly but surely learning how to become a better teacher. I've said more prayers in this last week than I have in an entire year probably. It's such a good habit to get into. It just makes the day so much easier. We had our first experience at the Referral Center yesterday, taking calls and such. That was actually pretty cool. I'm excited to go back tomorrow and get better at it since we were only there for about 30 minutes yesterday. The devotional on Sunday night was awesome. Sheri Dew was the speaker. She's the president and CEO of Deseret Book and she spoke on a lot of good topics. Mostly about teaching. I don't have my notes right here next to me but it was a really good talk. Tonight's Devotional should be even cooler because the choir actually gets to sing. We're singing a really cool arrangement of Faith of Our Fathers. It's by far the biggest choir I have ever sang in. Awesome. My companion is very much from Utah. That's all I think I have to say. He's a pretty funny guy.. In an "I'm from Utah" kind of way.

Today being our first P-Day we got to go to the Provo Temple this morning and it was awesome. My 3rd Temple to be in in a week. That's a new record. Definitely not as huge and awesome as the Salt Lake Temple, but the spirit in the Celestial room was just as strong, if not stronger. Or maybe that could be just because in this last week I've learned how to listen to and feel the spirit so much more. Especially when I'm practicing my teaching.. It's like I don't get nervous at all.. which is totally not like me. I love it.

Thanks for all the letters and I finally got my backpack finally. Now that we have a new group coming in tomorrow (a group of 700 because Thanksgiving is next week) it feels like we're not the new guys anymore and everything just seems so easy and comfortable now. I think that we're all excited to get out in the field though. I'm really going to miss the half of my district that is going to Riverside, California. They are awesome. And I'm also really glad that our district leader is coming to Australia. I really hope I get to be his companion down there at some point. He's 24 and he's a great guy. And such a great teacher. I've learned so much from him. And whenever he's in the room it's just so much easier to be on task.

I really miss all of you but I'm working hard, and according to everyone that has already been on a mission, if I work hard, I'll be home in no time. 30 minutes is so not enough time to write an email.. but now I'm going to go write some letters and do laundry... woot. Can't wait to hear from all of you again!

Elder Tanner 3.0

p.s.- I tried to get my pictures developed here so I could send them in a letter but the machine doesn't recognize my SD card. The machine is ancient and my SD card is brand new though. Hopefully I don't have that problem in Australia.

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