Monday, December 28, 2009


So this week was pretty great for being a Christmas away from home. We didn't get to do a whole lot of teaching because nobody wanted to listen to us with it being the holidays and all. We pretty much just tracted this week and went to members houses for meals. Most of the people that feed us around here are either newly weds or less active members. Except for on Boxing Day (Dec. 26th) we went to Brother Hancey's house, he's in the bishopric, and he has a brick oven in his back yard that he built and he made pizzas in it. Quite honestly some of the best pizza I've ever had. I hope he invites us over again so I can take pictures. I didn't know I would need my camera at a dinner appointment. So that was a pretty great dinner. Also on Boxing day we went to the Indian Ocean to look at it. I bought some sunglasses with the Christmas money Grandma gave you to put in my account. So thanks grandma. I took some pretty great pictures, I just wish I could have swam. But definitely a beautiful ocean. I grabbed some seashells I'll send home next time I send a package. I'll probably be able to go back before then and get a bottle of sand for you too.

I don't have a whole lot to say. Since it was a slow week and I talked to everybody on Christmas. I've very jealous of the snow. It's 40 degrees here today. We're dying. Oh! We played basetball this morning with 4 other missionaries and two members from around here, one named Jordan and one named Owen, not related to each other though so it was completely random. How weird is that? It was pretty fun though. Even though I got schooled pretty good. Maybe we'll start playing every week so I can get better. But maybe not for awhile since It's so hot here right now. If swimming ever become an approved P-day activity I would be SO HAPPY. Especially since I'm a 15 minute drive from the Ocean. That would be the best.

Hopefully this week picks back up and maybe we'll FINALLLLLY get a progressing investigator this week. We just keep finding new people and they just keep getting nowhere. Mostly because Africans don't know how to say no. They're so nice but when you ask them to do something they'll say yes even if they know they won't do that thing. But maybe that's how everyone is, I just don't know since I've only been around Africans in this area. We'll see. I hope everyone had a wonderfully white Christmas. I enjoyed my wonderfully ridiculously hot Christmas, and I enjoyed talking to everybody. It's so nice to hear about what's going on at home. Speaking of.. I forgot to ask you about football on the phone. Who's doing good in the NFL? Is it Bama and Texas in the National Championship? I love you all. And look forward to hearing from you all again. Wish I had more to say about this week. This coming week will be heaps busier though. We got Zone Stewardships on Tuesday and lots of appointments already scheduled for the rest of the week so it will be sweet.

Elder Tanner

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