Monday, July 19, 2010

72 degrees in the middle of winter... gotta love it.

So in the dead middle of winter, I was sweating while tracting the other day. It was so sunny and hot, it felt like a cool day in July in America. It's been continuing to rain off and on this week, but when it's not raining, it's hot. And I guess this is the driest winter they've had in awhile. It's kinda getting ridiculous.

Not a whole lot happened this week sadly. On Friday after District meeting we had a zone blitz in our area and got 4 new investigators out of it so that was exciting. For those that don't know what a zone blitz is, everybody in our zone came to do some tracting in our area for about 2 hours. So that's 6 companionships all tracting in the same neighborhood. I'm sure to anybody that was driving around we probably looked like the Mormon mafia or something, but then again maybe it made them want to ask what we were doing all walking around in suits on a sunny day. It was a good experience though. I got to be with one of my Zone Leaders, Elder Crawley, during this time and he is such a good missionary. Just talking with him while we tracted helped teach me a lot. He told me about his testimony of tracting. A lot of people think tracting is a waste of time, but he has baptised somebody that he found from tracting in every single one of his areas on his mission, with the one for his current area coming up this Saturday. I just think that's amazing. As useless as tracting feels sometimes, if you just get out there and do it, the results will come. Not only does it help you find people, but it helps your testimony of missionary work as it has with Elder Crawley. Just through his example, I know that if we will just open our mouths or go knock on a door, we can baptise those that the Lord has put in our path.

I'm trying to think of anything else exciting that happened this week. I'm really just ready to get transferred or get a new companion so I can get back to working as hard as I want to. It's true the scripture in Doctrine and Covenants, "If you have not the spirit, you shall not teach." That really applies to a missionary companionship as much as it does to any one person. I try to bring the spirit into our companionship, but Elder Hunt just doesn't have the fire to keep it burning in his heart. I've pretty much found myself becoming a leader when it comes to teaching, or deciding where to tract, or correlating with our Ward Mission Leader or Zone Leaders, or doing anything spiritual really. Maybe I'm just being prepared for what lies ahead of me, but I dunno. I just keep my head up and always remember to do the things I'm supposed to, (pray, scripture study, plan), so I don't lose the spirit too.

Sophie and Blair Main got sealed this past weekend. I wasn't able to go, only their current missionaries and the ones who baptised Blair were allowed to go. And at first not even their current missionaries were going to be able to go. But I talked to Sister Berryman last night and she went and she said that they were just glowing when they came out of that temple. I'm so happy for them, and wish I could've been there, but I'm happy that they know what's important in this life and hope they make temple attendance a part of their daily lives, as we all should. I'm probably going to see if I can get permission to call out of my area to talk to them and congratulate them and see how they feel. I was so happy when I found out that they had gone.

Lets see, not much going on this week. We are going city contacting on Wednesday evening which is always a good experience. Hopefully I won't be too tired from the massive feed we always get on Wednesday afternoon from Brother Tupea. I've never been fed so well as I do at his house. One of the good things about Polynesians, they sure do know how to eat!

I love you all. Always stay close to the Gospel. Nothing can make you happier in this life.

Elder Tanner

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