Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Temple Week :D

This week has been quite a busy one. It's been so good. Last Tuesday President Maurer came over during study time to share some insights with us which was really good. He's going around the mission trying to encourage people that have things that might distract themselves from the work to send those things home. Apparently there's been a problem in the mission with missionaries that have hard drives with screens on them and watching movies on them. I don't know what the point is of watching movies on your mission, they'll still be there in two years. Plus we're promised blessings if we're obedient so why break such an easy rule to keep. Anyways, also while president was over he told Elder Hunt and I that we had to move out of our house tomorrow to give a new senior couple somewhere to live for the next two weeks until one of the other senior couples goes home. They would have somewhere for them to live but that place got destroyed in a storm awhile back and they still haven't gotten it all fixed up. President told us to cancel any plans we had made for that day and spend the day cleaning as if our mom was moving in with us. So for the next two weeks we're living with the Zone Leaders which has been fun so far. Other than the fact that we don't have a car and from the Zone Leaders flat to anywhere in our area is at least a 30 minute bike ride. Yesterday while we were biking to an area to visit some families Elder Hunt got a flat tire and we were a 30 minute bike ride from home and probably about a 15 minute bike ride from the area we had planned to go, so our district leader came and rescued us. It's been good fun though.

Temple day today. This is President Maurer's last transfer so hopefully we get to keep going next transfer. Once every 6 weeks just isn't often enough to go to the temple. It's almost as good as once a month, but not quite. I can't wait til I can go whenever I want. I wish I would've gone more before I came out. Today we're going with two zones. Usually we just go with one but since the temple has been closed for a couple of weeks for remodeling and president is leaving after this transfer, he wants to have a special meeting after the temple and he and sister Maurer want to go through the temple with all of us before they go home, so going with two zones just makes it easier. We're going with my old zone too so I'll be able to see all of the people I served around last transfer. And Elder Glover came down from Port Hedland this transfer and he's serving in that zone again too now so I'm pretty excited to see him.

Thursday was an exciting day (not). We were on our bikes and it was pouring down rain. I didn't have my rain jacket with me until about 2 or 3. So we biked in the rain and cold and got soaked and I was wearing my suit pants which just made it that much more uncomfortable. But now I have a nice rain jacket that Elder Hunt gave me. He had like 3 that he had collected from other missionaries and Op Shops and things like that, but it's a really nice one. Winter officially started this week so I'm definitely going to have to start using it. Biking home last night at 9:15 was so cold. Elder Hunt let me borrow his sweater because I wasn't smart enough to bring anything warm with me since it was pretty warm when we left the flat. Lesson learned though. I'm just not looking forward to the rainy season if I'm going to be biking everyday. Hopefully my immune system is ready. I'm sure it is though. After Thursday and last night, I'm still doing pretty good, haven't gotten sick yet. We'll just have to see if I can keep that up.

Well I gotta go get some lunch and stuff before the temple. If you haven't been to the temple in the last 4 weeks, do it. That goes for all of you that can. I know that place blesses your lives, but only if you make it a part of your lives. So DO IT!

I love you all, and pray for you daily. Have a great week!

Elder Tanner

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