Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Springtime = Service, Service, and MORE Service

What a busy week. It seems like all this week we've been helping people with service that they needed done more than we've actually been teaching. Lots of people doing stuff like spring cleaning, spring lawn mowing and other yard work, still getting junk out to the verge for bulk rubbish collection, we even helped our neighbour Joe paint a room yesterday. He said he would pay us back by mowing our lawn for us today while we were out. He's a really nice guy, a good guy to have as a neighbour. Even though he's not interested in coming to church with us or anything he helps us out a ton.
The teaching that we did do this week went really well. We taught Arturo and Evelyn on Sunday and we had one of the best lessons ever with them. We taught the Plan of Salvation and used the little Plan of Salvation puzzle that grandma sent me a while back. It was good to have a visual display while we were teaching to help Evelyn understand a bit more. The way cool thing about this lesson was that after we would teach a bit, Arturo would translate everything that we had taught for his wife. He was basically doing the teaching. It was really cool because you could pick out bits and pieces of what he was saying and he would say some things that were important that Elder Jack and I just hadn't mentioned yet or we had forgotten to mention. He was such an excellent teacher. He would use hand motions while we taught (for example touch his body when talking about how our body would be perfect after the resurrection) and then I would try to use those same hand motions when I started teaching again and I could see the understanding in Evelyn's eyes. We found out that there is a member who is a recent return missionary in the other ward that meets at our building who served in the Philippines and speaks Tagalog. The other Elders say that he would love to come teaching with us. So hopefully when we go to their house again on Saturday he can come along and find out how her understanding is going and maybe hopefully extend the baptismal commitment to her if he feels that she is ready.
Still working out things with Angela. Still haven't set an exact baptismal date yet, but she's still keen as. She still hasn't been able to stay for 3 hours at church but she did come to Sacrament meeting this week with her sister. We're seeing her tonight and we're not going to let her go on tangents like she does. We have to focus on setting that date. I also don't think she realises the importance of setting a date. So we kinda have to drill that into her head I think. I'm not 100% sure how we're going to do that, but we're going to do our best.
This past weekend has been one of the best. We had a ward activity on Saturday night and on Monday. Saturday was a pot luck dinner with a couple of performances by the youth and they had an ironing competition (which I won.) The dinner was alright, but I think the activity as a whole wasn't planned as well as it could have been. Mainly because it was supposed to start at 6 and people didn't start showing up until 6:15. We finally started at 6:45 and by then the food was cold, we didn't have as much time for all the games and stuff that were planned. But it was still fun overall. Angela wasn't able to come though, and neither was Arturo and Evelyn. The activity yesterday was much better I thought. There were lots more people. We met at a park close to the beach and played some softball, rugby, and I even got them to play a game of gridiron with me! Note to self though: never try to play a game of gridiron with a bunch of rugby players. I was the only American so it was tough. I was playing QB, Strong Safety, Referee/Umpire haha it was good fun though. Then we had a sausage sizzle and got to just have a nice chat with everybody. I got a nice little sunburn too. Arturo and Evelyn did come to this activity so that was way good. Arturo even played softball with us.
Not much else of real major importance happened this week. We did have a really good Ward Council meeting on Sunday. Bishop Chessel is so on to it. He was talking about the 4 types of people in Lehi's dream (there's the tree of life again), and how those 4 types of people are still in the world today. He talked about how we need to get our members from "clinging" to the iron rod to "continually holding fast" to the iron rod. Man, I just love Lehi's dream. This is one of the first ward council meetings I've been to (it's only my 3rd or 4th) that we actually got something accomplished at as well. So that was way good.
Sorry I don't have too much to say this week. Hope you have a fantastic week. I'll do my best to do the same!
Love you!
Elder Tanner

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