Tuesday, November 16, 2010

G'day, Elder Tanner speaking...

Wowzers! What an amazingly long week. First let me explain the subject. I never imagined that being a district leader would involve making so many phone calls. It seems like every day the Zone Leaders are ringing me up and asking me to ask my district something then I have to call everybody and then call the zone leaders back. Or like missionaries in my district will just be randomly ringing me up asking questions. I don't know, it doesn't sound like much, but it definitely feels like a lot. I definitely use the phone heaps more than I used to that's for sure. I am loving it though, being a district leader though. This week we had a leadership meeting as well as a zone conference. That was my first leadership meeting to ever go to, but I liked it way more than zone conference I reckon. Mostly because everybody that was there I knew because they're all people that have been on their mission for just as long as me at least, whereas at zone conference there's always heaps of new missionaries that you don't really know. We learned about the same thing at both meetings so it was a bit tedious, but it was still fun. The thing that was cool about Leadership meeting was that I got to role play my district meeting for the Zone Leaders and they got to tell me what I did well or didn't do well. The only thing is that I had to teach the same thing that I taught at my last district meeting, which they were at, so it was basically just a re practice, they were just seeing if I had adjusted the things that I needed to make better. Such as making it last only 45 minutes and getting the district more involved. It was also sort of different because I got to teach it with the other district leader in our zone, Elder Blair. It was kinda just like we were teaching a normal lesson to them. I was actually really surprised at how well we were able to teach together since we had never really taught together before. I ran really smoothly. Even more smoothly than some lessons I've had after being with a companion for 10 weeks. I don't know why, it just clicked along really well.
Elder Jorgensen and I have still been on the bikes every single day. We're supposed to have the car Friday-Monday, but that just doesn't seem long enough. It seems like the time we need it most is when we don't have it, but I guess that's probably just all in my head, because there's no way that you're going to get me to bike 60 kms on Sunday. Especially with the heat coming up soon. Very soon. Can't wait for that!
We had a pretty cool experience this week with one of our neighbours. I don't know if I've ever talked about him but his name is Joe and we help him out whenever he needs it because he's always really nice to us. This week he asked us to come over and bless his house because he and his wife haven't been having good feelings in that house like they want to be having. He's lost a couple of jobs in the past couple of months and he was supposed to be finding out later that day if he was going to be getting this new job or if he was going to remain unemployed for the time being. Before we blessed the house he was telling us how he knows that we can help him with this because we've helped him with so many things in the past, but he wanted us to know where he stood with religion and he basically wasn't going to be changing anytime soon because he's too staunch a catholic. But anyways, we blessed the house, prayed that he would get the job and then didn't hear back from him for a couple of days. But when we did hear from him again he came over all excited and told us that he got the job and he knows that it was because of our prayers. It was such a good experience. And even though he's not going to change any time soon, we at least know that he has a good testimony of prayer, so that's something that we can totally work with down the road.
The reason that I'm emailing so late today is because this morning we went to this wildlife park and it was so cool. It's the closest I've ever been to Kangaroos, and Dingos, and Wallabys, and Camels, it was so much fun. We had a big bucket of food that we got to go around and feed all the animals with. My favourite was definitely getting to feed the Kangaroos. They're so awesome. I wish I could bring one home and have it as a pet. These ones at this park were just so lax, you could come right up to them and pet them and feed them. Wild ones won't let you get near that close. Oh and I got to pet a koala, which is also very soft awesome, but they would make boring pets, sleeping 20 hours a day "to conserve energy". I wonder what they're saving all that energy for.
I get to go on exchanges with my district starting this week. Starting tonight actually. I'm pretty excited. Especially for the one tonight. We're exchanging with rockingham and I get to be in Rockingham with Elder Metekingi. It's going to be so good. Our goal is to invite 20 people to church for the upcoming Sunday. We'll see how that goes. But I'm uber excited either way. Elder Metekingi and Elder Abel are the best. I wouldn't mind serving around those 2 Elders for my whole mission. I love those guys. Not only are they just good people to be around, but they help me out heaps with being a district leader. They're always giving me the encouragement and everything that I need and helping me to be the example to the district that I want to be. If I'm lucky maybe I'll even get to serve with one of them down the road.
Well I'm attaching some pictures from my morning. Hope you enjoy them!
I hope you all have a great week! Pray for a missionary experience! You WILL get them!
Much love,
Elder Tanner

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