Monday, August 1, 2011

The FeNaCl Festival

So for those of you that don't know what the word FeNaCl means, just have a look at your periodic table. Iron and salt are the two big industries up here in the Pilbara and this weekend they had a massive festival with heaps of people there. It was like a fair. Usually we wouldn't go to something like that, but we decided that it would be the most effective use of our time. With it being a small town and everything, everybody was going to be there. So it was no use trying to set up appointments for that day, or just doing drop in visits. And we decided we would definitely get to talk to more people and be seen by more people if we went to the festival and just walked around rather than going and knocking on doors or something. And it was true. Yesterday we decided to go try to see a couple of people at their homes, but we were right, nobody was home, and the couple of people that were home we about to head out to the FeNaCl or just got back from the FeNaCl so they were too tired to let us in or anything. It was a great weekend though. We saw heaps of less actives and nonmembers that we knew as well as members. It was good to catch up with a lot of them. It was hard to contact people though, pretty much all we could do was just give them a pass along card in passing, as nobody really wanted to stop and chat except for those people that we already knew. We are pretty happy that it's all over now though. Now nobody can use that as their excuse for us to not come over. All week we've been hearing about how everybody is just going to be at the festival and nobody could really tell us a day or a time that we could come back, but now it's back to normal life. It's funny how an entire town can get so hyped up about something like that. Today is kind of like a public holiday but not really. A lot of people aren't working today, probably just recovering from the weekend. But it's still a normal day for us.
So other than the FeNaCl, this week has been another adventurous week. We went out to the Cheeditha community again on Wednesday and went out to Roebourne on Friday. It was kind of a bummer this time around out at the Cheeditha community. Last time it seemed like everybody wanted to talk and have us in and everything, but this time, it just seemed like everybody was drinking and didn't really want us around. However, we did get to talk to Jake Samson again. I'm pretty sure I talked about him last time we went out there. The old man with lots of hair and a massive beard. We actually got him to say more this time. And when we asked if we could come in, he just beckoned with his hand to come in. We met somebody in town that knows him and found out that he's just a naturally quiet person. But he just seems so wise. Like the wise old man that hides in the mountains. I hope he warms up to us someday, but because we go out there so rarely, it'd be hard. Our trip to Roebourne wasn't bad. We weren't able to see any of our investigators. Just two members, and one of them fed us so it was all good. The one that didn't feed us is an aboriginal lady that is related to just about everybody that we know, and she hasn't been to church since branch conference. She's a nice lady though.
Church yesterday was amazing. Talk about a full house. 6 nonmembers came, 4 of which we had never met, they were just looking for a church and found ours. One of them was this aboriginal guy named Chris who we met on the street and told him where and when our church was, which we tell a lot of people, but he actually showed up. We haven't taught him yet, but I guess he just felt inspired to come to church. So that was great. The 4 guys that showed up randomly were from South Korea and have only been in town for a week. Right now they're living in tents out at the country club, which isn't abnormal. Accommodations around here are so expensive, so when new people come to town, it's usually a struggle. But hopefully we can help them out if they come to church again, otherwise it will be hard to track them down.
We weren't able to catch up with Marion this week, probably because of the FeNaCl. We were supposed to see him yesterday, and we brought Sister Weeks with us, but he was probably off at the festival. So hopefully we'll be able to catch up with him this week and I'll have something exciting to tell you about next week.
But that's about it for me. Summer is here now. Well to me it is. But apparently it gets hotter. 45 degrees Celsius is an average summer day here, but lately it's been up in the 30's, which is hot enough. Definitely the shortest "winter" I've ever had haha.
Well I love you all. And always remember that God loves you!
Much Love,
Elder Tanner

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