Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bike Week (Even More Exciting Than Shark Week)

Well as you can tell by the subject of this email, we smashed the bikes this week. Every single day from about 11-5, we were on them. I'm definitely starting to get a nice little tan though. We're saving up all the K's on the car for this month so that we can take a trip out to Port Hedland at the end of the month. We're doing a really good job too. Today is the 12th and we've only used about 300 K's for the month. We'd probably be able to get more K's allotted to us for our trip to Port Hedland since it's for a district conference, but I like to see if I can do it without having to ask for more K's. I am excited for district conference though. It will be good. I haven't received a proper training from President Cahoon, other than the training of trainers meeting, in ages. It will be last opportunity to have a meeting like this as well, so it should be the best.
I can't take too long writing this email this week, but I'll give you as much detail as I can on our awesome-ish week. The best part of this week was teaching Marion, as usual. We taught him about the sealing ordinance on Wednesday and he was loving it. It was just saying things like "I never knew about this before. I like this." He was going to tell his wife about it next time he talked to her on the phone. The spirit was strong in that lesson as it testified of the things that we taught. The spirit was even stronger in our lesson with him on Sunday. We started the lesson by watching the second episode of the Preach my gospel DVDs season 2. He said to us that the thing that stood out the most to him about those DVDs was the parts where it showed people getting baptised. He believes that baptism by immersion is the correct way to be baptised, but he hasn't been baptised in that way before. He asked, "How come the Catholic church doesn't baptise by immersion? Shouldn't somebody tell them that they're doing it wrong?" I LOVED that question. We told him many people have tried to tell them they were wrong, some of those people were Martin Luther and all the other reformers. Even though we've taught him the apostasy and the restoration so many times, it's finally clicking for him. He's realising that the Catholic church was the start of the apostasy. He's just so close. He knows that the catholic church will never change, so that will require him to change, but he's still scared to change because of his family. Just another concern that we will have to overcome, but we can do it.
Yesterday at church I was standing at the door greeting people as they walked in and I turned around and Elder Palalagi was standing there! Well he's not Elder anymore. His real name is Taha. He went home back in June, but I was his district leader and zone leader while I was down in Rockingham. It was way good to see him again. It's good to see any missionary again after their mission. During the intermediate hymn in sacrament meeting, I asked him if he has any girls that he went home to or anything and he said that he is engaged to Sister Vaivai (now Noeline Vaivai), but she was a sister missionary that was also in my zone when I was a zone leader. She just went home in August though, 3 weeks ago I think. I thought he was just kidding at first, but he was dead serious. Good on them I guess, but that was totally unexpected. It blew my mind. Not that it has any relevance to anything at all, but I just thought it was funny to hear that two missionaries that were in my zone back in Perth, are now off their missions and engaged to each other.
Well sorry for the short email, but that's about it for this week. I need to let Elder Ford get some email time as well
I'll talk to you all very soon!
Much Love,
Elder Tanner

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