Monday, November 16, 2009

November 11, 2009... First night in the MTC!

It actually wasn't as bad as I had pictured. My companion is a pretty cool guy, Elder Neibaur (pronounced Nye-bur). He's from Pleasant Grove, UT, but our roommates are from Las Vegas and Southern California. They are pretty cool guys as well. And it's great that all four of us are going to Australia because by the end of the two years we'll probably be pretty close. I'm pretty sure that this is all still just sinking in for me, I mean, I'm on my mission! Our classes were pretty great today. We got to teach some mock investigators and learn what kinds of things we should ask or not ask people. I can't wait for the initial shock of being at the MTC to go away and just have it all become like home. It's pretty easy to get lost, but people that have been here for even just a week seem like they have been here much longer just because of how well they know their way around and how much more full of the spirit they are. Our zone leaders are going to Croatia and Syrbia. They are really full of the spirit and they have only been here 4 weeks. So I imagine that at the end of 19 days I'll be more ready than ever. We got so much reading material today. It's just so much to try to take in all in one day, but thankfully there is more time.

One funny thing, when we were in our first big welcome meeting they went around and asked where people were from and I was the only one out of about 350 people from Oklahoma! Well, today was a long day and it was only a half day so I'm going to hit the hay. A saying that I've heard twice today and have never heard before is: "The days drag on, but the weeks fly by." so we'll hope that's true.

Love you all
Elder Tanner 3.0

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