Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Week 2!

6 more days in the MTC!

I'm so ready to get out of here and start teaching real people. Role playing gets so repetative sometimes. This week has been alright though. I've been a little sick ever since Thursday and I just started to feel better this morning. So it was really hard to concentrate on stuff this weekend at all my meetings and classes. I found out the hard way that Sudaffed works better than Dayquil. But it's all good now.

We had some great lessons this week and a couple of them were taught by one of the missionaries in the Preach My Gospel DVD's, Brother Hallam, he's a great teacher. It was really amazing how fast this past week flew by when the first 4 or 5 days seemed like an eternity.

I got my flight Itinerary this week! I leave on the 30th at 9pm from Salt Lake, leave from LAX at 11:55pm and arrive at Sydney at 9:30am on the 2nd of December. And then arrive at Perth at 2pm. So I'm going to spend the entire day on the 1st of December over the Pacific Ocean. And we're told to look presentable to our MIssion Presidents when we get off the plane, but it's going to be really hard considering how long we'll be on that plane. It's so crazy that is in 6 days.

I really enjoyed the letters this week. But it's true that the mailbox becomes your enemy when you don't get any mail on a mission. I guess I'll have to get used to that though since I'll probably be getting even less mail in Australia.

This past Saturday was my first time teaching the 2nd lesson and it actually went pretty well. Speaking of the 2nd lesson, we had the most amazing lesson about the Plan of Salvation in our District meeting on Sunday. I learned so much more than I ever have in my life about the Plan of Salvation. It was taught by a member of our Branch Presidency named Brother Bott. I wish I knew his first name because he has 2 books out and they're apparently really really good. Maybe you can look it up online or something. But yeah. It was awesome.

We got to go up to the Temple on Sunday to take pictures and while I was up there I ran into 3 out of 5 of my pageant friends that are here and we all took a picture together. I'm still really bummed that I can't get pictures developed here. But I'm having my companion print me out a couple from his camera and I'll send them home sometime before I leave. I think on Monday I'll get time to write letters one more time before I leave and do laundry one more time too.

Zach, that's awesome that you made Drum Major! It's too bad I'll never get to see it. But I got news for you too. Elder Holland is going to be here on Thursday. It's going to be awesome! I can't wait to hear him speak. Especially since the past 3 devotionals have been uber good and they haven't even been general authorities coming to speak.

Well, It's about time to get off. I got 7 and a half minutes left if you wanna send a quick reply.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Love Elder Tanner 3.0

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