Monday, February 22, 2010

Week 6

So this is the beginning of the last week of my second transfer. I'm so excited for transfers. I'm most definitely getting a new companion or going to a new area. We think we might even get doubled out because there's a big "For Sale" sign in front of our flat and this week we noticed a big "SOLD" stick across it. So we'll see, but President told Elder Glover he was probably getting transferred for sure this week and he told him to have a great last week because we didn't do so well this past week.
Pretty much the most significant thing from this week was a lesson we had on Tuesday night at a member's house. He actually taught us more than we taught him but it was a great lesson. He taught us about coming unto Christ and that we have to come unto Christ ever single day before we can invite other people unto Him. Moroni 10:32-33 talks about how we come unto Christ and contrary to my prior belief it means more than just getting baptized. It means so much more. Giving up all ungodliness and loving God are the two most important things we can do that will bring us unto Christ. Nothing is hard in life if you just do those two things. And serving a mission is one of the easiest things ever because I'm constantly trying to do those two things.
Interviews with President Maurer were good this week too. I told him about that lesson we had and he pretty much just told me to keep up the good work and keep making my best better.
6 lessons taught in one week = bad. Next week will be way better. Yay transfers!
Stay Classy San Diego,
Elder Tanner

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