Monday, May 24, 2010

My new district

Noranda Week 1

So, as you all will know, I did get transferred this week, but I'm only 5 minutes down the road from my old flat. The area is called Noranda but we cover something like 5 suburbs I think, and one of the suburbs, Mirrabooka, borders my old area. Even though it's so close it's in an entirely different zone. It's actually pretty cool. The area is a bit nicer and the ward is amazing. It's really good being only 5 minutes down the road from my old area because a lot of the members that I've met don't live too far away. We had dinner at the Berryman's yesterday who used to come to Ballajura ward (that's my new ward) but now they go to Madeley (my old ward). Sophie and Blair were there too so it was nice to see them again. We always have so much fun over there. Eat some Kai (food), play some Pukana, play some ping pong, it's good fun. Sister Berryman is really good at finding us people to teach too. We're going over to one of her friends houses today that isn't a member and hopefully we can start teaching them and in a couple weeks maybe have and FHE over at the Berryman's house with them.

My new companion's name is Elder Hunt. He's Samoan, but he grew up in New Zealand. He is the man. He's big into his rugby so I'm gonna have him teach me some skills this transfer so I can get better. We played rugby this morning with the DL, ZLs, and APs and I was terrible at it. So I plan on getting better soon. But yeah, Elder Hunt and I have been pretty busy this week. We did a lot of service which was way good. Tuesday we did service at the Salvation Army, Wednesday and Friday we did service at some members houses. We have an investigator family, the Scotts, that Elder Hunt and his last companion were working with that is actually related to the lady that we were about to baptise in Girrawheen. They were keen to get baptised but something came up where her parents and one of their sons didn't want them to get baptised, so hopefully we can keep praying for them and get them baptised soon. I think that's why President Maurer put me here. Since I worked with Emma and she's getting baptised next week, hopefully I can help the Scott's get baptised. Oh yeah that's another thing. I'm now in President's ward which is so cool because I get to see him each week and I'll be in his ward when they go home which also means I'll be in the ward when the new mission president gets here and I'll get to know him first hand getting to see him each week. It's pretty exciting. Sister Berryman is putting together a going away party for the ward so I'll get to go to that AND the one the mission is having. I'm pretty stoked for that. As much as I really wanted to move out of the city or at least further than 5 minutes away, I'm really glad I got put where I did. I love the area, the ward, the people, my comp. It will be interesting to see how long I stay here.

We FINALLY got our May Ensigns this week. I've been reading about 10 pages every morning for personal study. It's amazing how much more you catch when you read it than when you watch it or listen to it. Boyd K. Packer's talk was phenomenal, but while I was watching it I didn't catch half the things that he talked about in it. Amazing. I'm looking forward to getting all the way through it, so i can go back and read them again and catch even more. Another thing that I'm doing is reading Preach My Gospel in 3 weeks. That's 10 pages a day, but it's easy. I think it's easy to forget how useful PMG can be and how much information is contained in it, so I'm going through and just reading it so I can remember all the things that it teaches us in it. I found myself in church yesterday quoting from PMG, something I never used to be able to do, but it's amazing the things that diligent personal study can do for you.

Well that's it for this week. I love you all
Elder Tanner

Monday, May 17, 2010

Iiiiii'm. movin' out.

What a great last week in Girrawheen. I was able to see all of my favorite people one last time along with all of the people that I've been teaching for 6 months. It was kinda hard saying goodbye to some people. It was weird. I'm sure I'll be seeing everyone again though. Last night we ate dinner at the Main's and the Berryman's were there which was so good because those are my two favorite families in this area. It was even hard to say bye to the Banucus. I've eaten there 23 out of the last 24 weeks, and even though I don't really care for the food, they're a really good family. Last night at the Main's was fun though. We had two really good New Zealand dishes, Chop Suey and Boil Up, and we followed it up with German Chocolate cake and some fun games. I took some videos of the games, just so that down the road I can teach everybody how to play, because writing about it in my journal just can't describe it fully enough lol.

I'm so excited for my new area. I don't know where it is, or who my new companion is going to be, but I'm looking forward to it either way. I probably only have a transfer or two left of being junior companion which is exciting. I'm ready to be senior just to see what it's like. There's a guy that came out at the same time as me that is training a new missionary this transfer, so hopefully I'm in those shoes in a couple of months. I think it would be a great experience.

What a blessing it is for me to be serving a mission right now. I owe everything to the Lord in helping me get out on a mission and I intend on showing Him that by be as diligent and hard working as I can for these next 18 months. And hopefully I'll be able to see the fruits of my labors. Alma 26:27, 31-33. I Love the sons of Mosiah.

Well I'm about out of time, gotta get going to transfer meeting!

Love you all! Thank you for all of your prayers, I couldn't do it without them!

Elder Tanner

Sunday, May 2, 2010

1 week til mothers day!!

I don't really have much to say this week, seeing as how next week is mothers day, I'm just excited to call home.

We were supposed to have a baptism this past Saturday but it got pushed back to next Saturday. The only reason being that she has family getting baptised in another ward next weekend and she wanted to be baptised with them. So we're really excited for that. Plus the bonus is that we don't have to set it all up. BUT, Brother McGaughey called us last night and told us that he wanted to baptise his son Tayzah this Saturday. So we now have a baptism Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon. So that should be a pretty good day. It was funny when brother McGaughey was talking to me though because he mentioned that Bishop Snow asked him if he had started thinking about a date to baptise his son and he said he wanted to do it before May 15th because that's when I'll probably be out of this area for reals this time. I'm super excited to get to see him baptise Tayzah though. That's one thing when I first came into this area about 6 months ago that I told myself I wanted to see. The McGaugheys start coming back to church and Jeremy baptise his son. And it's happening! Hooray!

We had Zone Coference on Thursday and the Assistants taught us this lesson from Luke Ch. 5 when the fishermen are cleaning their nets and then Christ comes and tells them to cast their nets one more time and so they do and they catch so many fish that their nets break. But the thing we were supposed to get from it was that they were cleaning their nets, in other words finishing up their day, and Christ told them to just cast their nets one more time. So on Friday when Elder Ulas and I were on an exchange we were biking and we were pretty far from the flat, but then we were biking back for lunch and stopped for some air in the tires and while we were doing that, we got a phone call to go visit a referral that was so far away, it was actually on a road we had just been on. We could've just gone in for lunch and forgot about the referral, but then we remembered the story from Luke 5. So we casted our nets again, but the guy wasn't home, but it's the thought that counts! It was just a big faith builder for me, even though he wasn't home, we were still being tested.

2 more weeks til transfers!

Love you all!

Elder Tanner