Monday, May 24, 2010

Noranda Week 1

So, as you all will know, I did get transferred this week, but I'm only 5 minutes down the road from my old flat. The area is called Noranda but we cover something like 5 suburbs I think, and one of the suburbs, Mirrabooka, borders my old area. Even though it's so close it's in an entirely different zone. It's actually pretty cool. The area is a bit nicer and the ward is amazing. It's really good being only 5 minutes down the road from my old area because a lot of the members that I've met don't live too far away. We had dinner at the Berryman's yesterday who used to come to Ballajura ward (that's my new ward) but now they go to Madeley (my old ward). Sophie and Blair were there too so it was nice to see them again. We always have so much fun over there. Eat some Kai (food), play some Pukana, play some ping pong, it's good fun. Sister Berryman is really good at finding us people to teach too. We're going over to one of her friends houses today that isn't a member and hopefully we can start teaching them and in a couple weeks maybe have and FHE over at the Berryman's house with them.

My new companion's name is Elder Hunt. He's Samoan, but he grew up in New Zealand. He is the man. He's big into his rugby so I'm gonna have him teach me some skills this transfer so I can get better. We played rugby this morning with the DL, ZLs, and APs and I was terrible at it. So I plan on getting better soon. But yeah, Elder Hunt and I have been pretty busy this week. We did a lot of service which was way good. Tuesday we did service at the Salvation Army, Wednesday and Friday we did service at some members houses. We have an investigator family, the Scotts, that Elder Hunt and his last companion were working with that is actually related to the lady that we were about to baptise in Girrawheen. They were keen to get baptised but something came up where her parents and one of their sons didn't want them to get baptised, so hopefully we can keep praying for them and get them baptised soon. I think that's why President Maurer put me here. Since I worked with Emma and she's getting baptised next week, hopefully I can help the Scott's get baptised. Oh yeah that's another thing. I'm now in President's ward which is so cool because I get to see him each week and I'll be in his ward when they go home which also means I'll be in the ward when the new mission president gets here and I'll get to know him first hand getting to see him each week. It's pretty exciting. Sister Berryman is putting together a going away party for the ward so I'll get to go to that AND the one the mission is having. I'm pretty stoked for that. As much as I really wanted to move out of the city or at least further than 5 minutes away, I'm really glad I got put where I did. I love the area, the ward, the people, my comp. It will be interesting to see how long I stay here.

We FINALLY got our May Ensigns this week. I've been reading about 10 pages every morning for personal study. It's amazing how much more you catch when you read it than when you watch it or listen to it. Boyd K. Packer's talk was phenomenal, but while I was watching it I didn't catch half the things that he talked about in it. Amazing. I'm looking forward to getting all the way through it, so i can go back and read them again and catch even more. Another thing that I'm doing is reading Preach My Gospel in 3 weeks. That's 10 pages a day, but it's easy. I think it's easy to forget how useful PMG can be and how much information is contained in it, so I'm going through and just reading it so I can remember all the things that it teaches us in it. I found myself in church yesterday quoting from PMG, something I never used to be able to do, but it's amazing the things that diligent personal study can do for you.

Well that's it for this week. I love you all
Elder Tanner

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