Monday, July 12, 2010

8 Months!!!....?

Wow, It's already been 8 months since I first walked through those MTC doors and wondered what it was I got myself into. But now I'm loving it. It doesn't seem possible that I've already finished a third of my mission. I still feel like there's heaps that I don't know or that I haven't done yet, and there probably is. I'm sure I'll feel that way for most of my mission though.

So this week was so good and totally unexpected. On Thursday morning we got to go to the temple. Usually when we got it's a P-day but not this time, so it was real nice to not have to be rushed to do my p-day things. President Cahoon said he was surprised that we go as often as we do though, so we'll probably start to see some changes in that in the future. I imagine we'll start going once a quarter rather than once a transfer, which still isnt' too bad. At least we'll still be able to go.

Also, the other unexpected part of this week was that on Friday after District Meeting President Cahoon showed up to interview each of us. My first interview with him was so good. The first thing he said to me when I walked in was that he sensed my companion was very laid back and that he feels like I could do great things if I had a companion that wanted to work as hard as I do. He told me that my next companion is going to be like an Elder Hussey or Elder Hampson (our two APs). So that's pretty exciting, to know that my next companion is probably going to be as hard working as I want him to be. My whole mission I've felt like the harder working one between me and my companion, and it's hard sometimes, sometimes I just don't know what to do where most people would have a senior companion to look up to and ask a question, I feel like I can't sometimes. So I'm excited that President Cahoon sees a lot of potential in me and wants me to have the type of companion I've wanted for awhile. It will be a nice change I think.

Other than that though, I really liked my interview with President. He's very easy to talk to and he's a very nice guy. I'd say give him 6 months or so and he'll have this mission President thing down and be even easier to talk to and he'll know so much more about the mission. It'll be so good.

Our teaching with Trent has been going so well. He came to church yesterday and I could tell he really liked it. The lesson in Gospel Principles might have been a bit too much for him though so we're going to break it down for him tonight in our lesson with him. Our gospel principles teacher tends to go on all kinds of tangents in his lesson, so it's really hard to follow. Hopefully next time he comes to church he'll want to go to the young mens class instead. We'll see.

I love this gospel and I love sharing it with those that I meet. I know that the work I'm doing down here is some of the most important work I could ever be involved in. I wish my letters could be more interesting for you all, but they will be in the future.

I love you all and pray for you daily
Elder Tanner

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