Friday, July 30, 2010

Noranda Week 11

This week was actually pretty awesome. Well some of it anyways. The Zone Leaders had a baptism yesterday after church which was really good. It was for a twenty something year old girl named Caitlin and her non-member mum came to support her as well. It was probably one of the best baptisms I've been to on my mission. It was well attended and the spirit was there in abundance. You could tell this girl knew the choice she was making and the things that go along with that choice. And she was really happy that her mom was there as well. Hopefully her mom gets baptised down the road as well.

Blair Main came to the baptism to support David who's a 17 year old kid from my old ward who did the baptising. It's actually really cool. David grew up with Caitlin but hadn't seen her for 10 years or something. Then they met again at institute a couple of weeks ago and remembered each other from when they were young and she asked him to baptise her. And he was only baptised 2 or 3 years ago as well. It's amazing how the Lord prepares things like that. David gets baptised, goes to institute, meets an old friend, and baptises her. It's straight out of a seminary video lol. But anyways, It was really good to see Blair again. He looked like a completely new person having been sealed to Sophie last week. He was just so happy and talking about their experiences almost the whole time. They've already been back twice since getting sealed, once on Wednesday evening and again on Saturday morning. I think he can really see the difference in his life that holding a temple recommend makes. He was talking about how busy this last week has been and that's why they went to the temple twice this week, so that they can see the blessings more abundantly in their lives, and I think they do. It was good to talk to him about some of the families in the ward too. He said the McGaugheys have come pretty much every week since I left, but Tayzah hasn't been baptised yet. I don't know what the hold up is, but Blair says he thinks it's coming up soon. He also said that the average attendance of Madeley ward is now around 150-160 people. When I first started going to that ward is was just around 70-80 per week. It's amazing what difference 8 months can make in a ward. I never thought I'd want to go back and visit that ward after being there for 6 months, but I want to go back and visit lol.

Our teaching with Trent and his cousin is going really well. We showed them the Finding Faith in Christ dvd last Monday and they loved it. I didn't know somebody as educated as them could know so little about Christ. They had so many questions just about his life, and the miracles and things like that. It was a good set up for The Gospel of Jesus Christ which is the next lesson we're going to teach them. Now that they know about his life, we're going to teach about his teachings (faith, baptism, repentance, the gift of the holy ghost, etc.). We would be teaching them tonight, but he has to work, so hopefully later in the week we can catch up with them.

I've had a lot of time for reading recently. I'm reading The Book of Mormon again, Preach My Gospel again, and the New Testament with an Institute manual. There's just an impossible amount of things to learn, it's crazy. But I love it. I love learning everything I can about the Gospel and the doctrine of Christ.

Not a whole lot else going on right now. I wish I could make this email longer, but there's really just not a lot to talk about. Hope you all have an amazing week.

Much love
Elder Tanner

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