Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Half Way Around The World

Just sending a quick note that I made it to Australia safely. The plane ride was long and cramped, but I slept for about 9 out of the 15 hours. That was the long one anyways. We probably spent a total of 30 hours traveling. Went and got our bikes and driver's licenses when we got here, and then got to street contact some people. We got 12 referrals between the 9 of us. I find out who my trainer is and where I'm going tomorrow. Tonight I'm just sleeping in the AP's flat. And we just finished dinner at the Mission President's house who is an awesome President. Anyways, got to make it short. Just letting you all know that I arrived safely and am very very tired.

Love you all,
Elder Tanner

p.s. - Driving on the left side of the road is WEIRD.
p.p.s. - Still haven't seen any kangroos...

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