Tuesday, March 23, 2010

1 Polynesian companion just wasn't enough for me...

What a great week, but I'll start off by exlaining the subject. So we had Zone Conference this week and we got to the chapel a bit early and we were waiting for the AP's to get there to unlock it. When they pulled up, a missionary that I've never met before jumped out of the back of their car. During Zone Conference President Maurer had him stand up to introduce himself and then he had Elder Richards and myself stand up and he told us that Elder Tou (toe-oo) would be our new companion. I guess his story is that he came into the mission in January 09 but had to go home for 6 months because of an injury and he just came back this past week. He's from NZ just like Elder Richards, but has lived in Brisbane the past 5 years. He's such an awesome missionary and brings so much to our companionship. He's just a good "people person", something that I'm still working on. Hopefully I'll learn a lot from him, even though I'll probably be getting transferred out of here in two weeks. Which is also something that makes me pretty happy. I can't wait to go see what the rest of the mission is like.
Yesterday was such an awesome day. Other than it being a church day, it was just a sweet missionary day. After church we drove down into the city to do some city contacting which is so much fun. There's so many people in the city, and even though most of them are in wayyy too big of a hurry to even stop walking while they talk to you, it's so much just to talk to so many different people and get so many different responses. I was able to have a couple of really good conversations with some people while we walked about the plan of salvation and the true church. I loved it. Something funny that happened was we were driving around looking for somewhere to park we turned the corner onto this street and there was a HUUUUGE line of people and when we got up to the front of the line I saw what it was and it was a line for the Cobra Starship/Owl City concert, haha, and the first thing that went through my head was, "we should go give a pass along card to ever single one of those people" haha. I did have the thought of "OH MAN!! I wanna go!!" for a split second, but then I remembered that I was a missionary lol. City contacting is the best though.
After city contacting we had to go to a Mission President's fireside that was so good. Our 5 man district sang a song (Whre can I turn for peace?) with our Zone Leaders and APs in front everyone that came (all four stakes were invited) and everyone said we sounded great. I wouldn't have been so nervous about it if I hadn't had to sing a solo haha. But it turned out all good. The fireside itself was so good because they showed this video that was put together by my Zone Leaders where they went around and interviewed a lot of recent converts to the church and put the video together a lot like the "From Small and Simple Things" video if you've ever seen that one. Such a spiritual evening last night though. One of the stake presidents talked after the video and it was so quiet while he was speaking you could've heard a pin drop.
I think it was between city contacting and the fireside that I realised how much I really love my mission. I love being out here. I love talking about the gospel. I love learning about the gospel. I love everything about it. I've started reading like 3 different books this week and I'm not even done reading a couple of the other books I've been reading. That's how exciting it is to learn about and live the gospel. I wish I could read faster because there's just so much to read and I want to know as much as I can. This really is the most important thing I could be doing with my life right now because this really is the most important work in the world, other than temple work that is, but I even get to do that out here!
I love you all so much!
Elder Tanner
p.s... I know March Madness is going on right now... and baylor is a 3 seed?? Go Baylor!!

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