Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Labor Day Week

So yesterday was Labour day, that's why I'm emailing today. This week has been pretty great. Elder Richards, my new companion, is the man. He's Moari, but he's white. His mom is white and his dad is brown and he has 6 white brothers and sisters and 1 brown one lol. But he's such cool. Kinda laid back which isnt all that great for missionary work, but compared to other Moaris I've seen he's not as laid back as he could be. It's kinda weird having a Maori companion, because lemme tell you, he can eat. Hopefully being around him doesn't make me gain weight haha. we did all of our grocery shopping for the month and we bought 50 dollars of meat mince, 20 cans of baked beans, 40 litres of milk, what else.... some pasta packet thingys, seems like there's something else but I can't remember. He says that this will last us the entire month, and we'll save so much money, but we'll see.
Church this week was awesome. We had 3 Less active families come to church and one investigator family. Having those less active families there was almost as exciting as a baptism. Especially because one of them Elder Glover and I tried for 12 weeks to get them to church, and then as soon as he leaves, they show up haha. The investigator family that we had there is getting baptized this Saturday if everything goes right. I'm so pumped because we've been teaching them for sooo long. And I love it when success happens lol. We got an appointment with that less active famiy tonight and since they're from NZ and my companion is from NZ, it should be a fun night.
I talked to Elder Glover the other day and he said it was 50 degrees up in Port Hedland. That would be so bad, because the other day it was 41 here and we just about died. It was so hard to work that day because we were without a car. and just walking down the street made us sweaty, no, just walking outside made us sweaty. I'm SO READY for winter to get here. I want to spend the winter in Albany. So that way it will be a relatively normal winter. COLD.
Not much else to say this week. Zone planning on Friday was good. I can't believe President Maurer only has 3 months left until he goes home. Our new president is from Canada I hear. I hope he's as good as President Maurer.
Love you all,
Elder Tanner

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