Tuesday, March 16, 2010

So Much for Summer Being Over

So yeah, this week was so ridiculously hot. I heard that two weeks ago was supposed to be our last really hot week, but this past wednesday or thursday it got up to 109 degrees. It was so hot. It made getting any work done really hard because we didn't have the car for most of the time. But, I guess we still had a decent week. Getting to hear from Elder Nielson twice was so good, especially since the first time it was to just us missionaries. He taught us some really cool things about the organization of the church and about what's called the "revelatory process" as found in the Book of Mormon, I wish I could remember what chapter and verse, but it was really cool. He told us it was a "secret that only the prophets know", but really it's not, because all it takes is scripture study, prayer, and fasting. He said a lot of other stuff, but I don't have my notebook with me. Overall though, It was such a good conference.
The temple on Wednesday was amazing as usual. I love how I can learn something new everytime I go there, even if it's something small. It's such an amazing place. I wish there were more people there though. When we go, our Zone which is 14 guys, and then there's only like 3 other men there. So I can't imagine what they do when there aren't any missionaries there. So sad. Everyone should go to the temple.
It's kinda funny, ever since Elder Richards got into the ward, we've been finding all these less active Moari people and they're awesome. One family, The Hansens, we met this past Friday and now they're having us over for dinner on Wednesday. They're so awesome. We don't really know their whole story on why they're less active and all that, but that doesn't matter. We'll get them to chruch sooner or later. Also the McGaugheys, a family Elder Glover and I got in contact awhile ago are finally coming to church, and their 9 year old son Tayzah re-taught me how to do a Rubik's cube. So I went out and bought a new one. I might have said that in last weeks letter, I don't remember.
I have another physics analogy that I learned this week. This one comes from Elder Nielson, but I'm going to start using it as well. Everyone knows that the law of gravity exists. We can't see gravity, we don't know what it looks like, but we know it's there. So one day there was a guy that wanted to put the law of gravity to the test. He went to the top of a 40 story building and decided to step off. By the time he got to the 30th floor, he was thinking "this isn't so bad, maybe gravity doens't exist", by the time he got to the 20th floor he was thinking "maybe gravity does exist, that ground is getting closer. By the time he got to the 10th floor he starts to regret his decision and wonder why he decided to test the law of gravity. By the 5th floor he's thinking "oh dang. I shouldn't have done that". And then the ground came. The same thing can applied to the gospel. For example, we know that the law of chastity exists. We can't see the law of chastity, we don't know what it looks like, but we know it exists. If we decide to put that law to the test, the ground will always come. Even if at the 30th or even at the 20th floor, we don't think the ground will come, it will come. Always. In other words, there will always be consequences for disobeying a law of the gospel, just like there are consequences for disobeying the law of gravity.
I really love analogies like that. It just puts the gospel into such a good perspective. I bought a notebook just for writing analogies that I hear like that down. Hopefully it's full by the end of my mission.
I love you all, hope you're having a great spring break, while I'm burning up.
Elder Tanner

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