Monday, December 7, 2009

First week in the field!

My first week here has been great. It has been UBER hot though. Like 35 degrees. And it's only going to get hotter. My companions name is Elder Glover and he's a really cool guy. He's been out for 8 months and he's 22. He too has a girlfriend back home, so we have a lot to relate to. We've only had 1 or 2 teaching opportunites this week since it was a short week but they went really well. When we first got here we had an appointment we had to rush off to straight away. We taught these guys named Andrew and Shem, turns out later that they were my district leaders and they were hazing me I guess. But it was really funny. I didn't find that out later till we had to walk over to their flat because we got locked out of ours. The other lesson we taught was to a less active guy who has been battling depression and stuff. He's actually a really cool guy, but kinda different if you know what I mean. That was a good lesson too and we're going back there on thursday.

The area that I'm in is called Girrawheen. They have really weird names down here. It's like a 10 minute drive from the mission home/temple and also a ten minute drive from the ocean, but neither are in my area. We have no car in my area, I don't know if I've mentioned that already, but yeah, it's hot. 35 degrees last saturday and it's only going to get hotter. But hey, at least I won't gain weight. I burn off every meal I eat everytime I get on that bike. So that's good.

We have two families that feed us each week. OH YEAH, my first meal at a members house... covered in mushrooms. Who would've guessed. One family we eat at each week is the Banukus. They're less active but they still feed us. They're from Romania so the food they've made for us is interesting. The Maines are the other family. They're young and from Austraila. We haven't actually eaten at their house yet but yesterday at church they said they would feed us often. And from what I hear they feed us well.

Speaking of the ward. It's small. And the members don't seem too excited about missionary work. They don't seem too excited about anything actually. Both lessons yesterday in church were just read word for word out of the manual. I could've taught better lessons than that. The ward mission leader doesn't even seem to keen on talking to us. Brother Rajah is his name. But hopefully we can start to get everyone motivated. Any ideas on how to do that?

Oh my address. It's going to be PO Box 185 Tuart Hill, WA 6939 for my whole mission, unless I say otherwise. They just don't want mail mailed directly to us for whatever reason. Maybe it will change when I get a new mission president in June. President Maurer is awesome though. It's pronounce More-uh. Anthing with an R on the end, the R isn't pronounce. I've learned a lot of lingo already. They say "how you going" instead of how you doing. And I haven't gotten to drive yet, but I've gotten used to looking right first when crossing the street instead of left.
I've got to cut this one short. It seems like I have so much to say.

I love you all!
Elder Tanner

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