Sunday, December 13, 2009

Perth. Week 2

So this week was pretty stressful. My district leader turned out to be a really disobedient guy and he got sent home on Saturday. But all week he was affecting our work. I think monday-wednesday we got about 4 hours of work in. Mostly because Elder Glover was pretty close to him and he was trying to help him out but nothing really worked. Since Thursday though things have been going a lot better. Other than the fact that it was 40 degrees yesterday and we were on bikes all day. I'm so glad I have that camelback that's all I got to say.

But since the District leader went home, his companion got transferred to Dianella which is wear the mission office and temple are ( they're right next door ), and we got their car and their cell phone. Which is nice. But we also go their area. So as if were weren't new enough to our area.. we're now covering their area as well. So we'll definitely always have something to do or someone to go see. I like biking though even though we have car and even though its 40 degrees outside. I don't want to come back a fat missionary.

So I don't know if I ever told you my favorite scripture for my plaque or if you already got that made or whatever. But it's D&C 121:7-8. Good stuff right there.

I gave a talk in church yesterday. Both me and Elder Glover did. Mine was about charity and his was about obedience. So it was a pretty good sacrament meeting, besides the fact that there were probably about only 45 people there, and the organ player is.... not that great. Our bishop is 29 years old. He looks even younger than that too. It's weird.

I need to know how I'm related to N. Eldon Tanner, if I am. I've had so many people ask me that question it's ridiculous. I've never been asked that question before coming out here.

I'll be mailing a tiny christmas package home this week. nothing big, but I'll be sending it either today or wednesday. Oh and I'll either be calling on the 25th or 26th in the morning which would be the 24th or the 25th in the evening for you. And I'll be using a calling card. Which would work better for everyone?

We haven't got any progressing investigators yet. Still just lots of tracting and street contacting. we've had about 20 or 30 potential investigators but they stay potential. We've mostly just been talking to less actives or recent converts. We do have a couple of people that we have talked to that have let us come back. So we'll just have to see if they keep their commitments when we do go back. I think one of them actually might. But we'll see.

There is one awesome family in the ward that we have met so far. Their name is the Maines and they're a young couple just married 3 years ago. But they are going to let us come over to their house on christmas. They're really nice people.

Well that's about it for this week. I wish I had more time to send individual emails. I have about 15 minutes left if you want to send a quick reply.

Elder Tanner

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