Friday, December 25, 2009

It's So Hot!

This week has been pretty great. But pretty dang hot too. On Saturday we rode our bikes about 10-15 kms and it was about 38 degrees. We were drenched in sweat by lunch time and decided we had better use the car for the rest of the day otherwise we my get a heat stroke or something ridiculous like that.

We don't really have any progressing investigators yet which is kind of a bummer. We've taught a few really good lessons but one lady called us up and cancelled our return appointment. So we'll probably swing by her house and see if she wants to reschedule or if she's just not interested anymore. The other lady is very firm in her beliefs which is very respectable but she was asking us heaps of questions and by the end of the lesson she seemed to be somewhat receptive of what we were saying. We're going back to her house this week too.

It's crazy the amount of Australians we've been teaching. Zero. I might as well have served my mission in Africa. Yesterday we went to 3 families houses after church, and all were African. It can be hard sometimes to understand what they are saying because it's not very often that you come by an African with really good english. But then again Australians don't have really good english either. I've decided that I'm not really interested in picking up the accent, just the slang. Australians talk uber fast too. Like when they give you their phone number it's 8 or 10 digits and they say it in about 3 or 4 syllables haha.

Did you know the stake I'm in is called Warwick Stake? Kinda funny. They don't pronounce the 2nd W though. This January for Stake Conference we're having an apostle, a member from the 70, as well as the presiding bishop come and speak to us. I'm assuming I'll get to hear them a couple of times which will be awesome. Listening to apostles is so great.

I hope you get my Christmas package sometime this week before I call. I'll be calling at either 5 or 6 pm your time by the way. I don't know if I told you that last week.

I got to open the Christmas package from home this week. I loved it. You can't buy Mike and Ike's or Hot Tamales here so I was hoping you'd send some of that. There's actually a ton of stuff from American you can't buy down here. For example, the only American cereal you can buy is Fruit Loops and they cost 9 dollars a box. Wow. The Calender is probably the best calender ever. It's hard not to just go through and read each day ahead of time because it's so funny.

About the mailing, it would probably be better if you mailed letters and then I could reply to them in email. Since the libraries only allow us to be on 1 hour a day I want to spend as much time writing as I can, which means less time reading.

I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and I'll talk to you soon!

Love you all!
-Elder Tanner

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