Monday, April 26, 2010

Ah, Fair Dinkum Mate!

I love it when that happens... I just typed up like 3 paragraphs of an email and then somehow deleted all of it and it autosaved seconds after I did that... so now I get to start over... great.

So the Temple last week was SO good, as usual. Before we went we got to go around back and take some pictures. It's really pretty back there, even though the temple is so close to the main road and other houses. There's a big wall surrounding the gardens area so it's nice and quiet and peaceful back there. We got some good pictures of the whole zone that I'll be sending home later.

International night was so fun this past Saturday. As I was leaving though, I realized that I didn't take any pictures.. dang. But it was fun. We probably had about 5 or 6 investigators there as well as The Sumo family that we baptised back in March. And the McGaugheys were there as well as a few other less active families for the other Elder's area. I'd probably guess there were about 100 people there, the most I've ever seen at a ward activity here. The food we had was so interesting. My favorite was definitely the dish from Ireland.. it was basically just a beef and potato stew lol. I did try all of them though. The most interesting dish was the one from Morocco. I don't really know what it was but I hope I never have to eat it again.

The baptism this weekend is still happening as far as I know. We found out though that her sister-in-law is getting baptised this weekend as well. She's been going to Ballajura ward the past couple of weeks with her sister-in-law, which is in a different stake, but not too far from here. But it just makes things awkward. Because I think Emma, the lady we're baptising, feels more at home in Ballajura ward, even though the member that referred us to her is in our ward. Hopefully everything runs smoothly this weekend.

We had dinner at the Main's last night and the dinner was good. It was kinda like a giant quiesh... or however you spell it. But it was good. The good part about last night was we taught them the restoration lesson again as they're preparing to be sealed in the Temple in a couple of months, they think it would be good to hear the lessons again. Plus it's just good practice for us. They always ask the best questions though and we just go off on gospel tangents.. my favorite kind of tangents. We talked a lot about repentance and forgiveness, two things I've really been studying this transfer. I've learned a lot and it was good to share with them kind of what I've been learning. But next week is going to be good. Because A. We're cooking dinner and B. We're teaching the Plan of Salvation lesson. I have that little puzzle that grandma sent me and it comes in such good use when teaching that lesson. I love it. Oh, and the dinner we're making for them is PB&J's. They've never had a PB&J!! So we're making PB&J for "dinner" and they're making Belgian waffles for "dessert". haha it should be lots of fun.

I can't believe I call home again in two weeks! Once i get out of my first area I hear that's when time starts to fly, but time already seems like its flying, so it will be exciting to see how fast time goes once I get out of Girrawheen. I really want to get transferred to a country area, but we'll see... we still got 3 more weeks til next transfer.

Well gotta go. Love you all. Have a great week

Elder Tanner


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