Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Transfer Day!

I'm not getting transferred lol. Another 6 weeks in good old Girrawheen. By the end of this transfer I'll have spent 6 months in my first area, and be a quarter way through my mission. That doesn't even seem possible that I've been out almost that long. wow. It's been a good transfer with Elder Richards and Elder Tou, and I think the next one is going to be even better. We're finally starting to get on track with everything that we had planned to do at the beginning of this transfer like seeing more members, getting some of our investigators that we've been teaching for ages baptised and stuff, so next transfer should be mean. Elder Tou is leaving us which is sad. It was so good to have in him our companionship for the past 2 and a half weeks and we're going to miss having him around. He's definitely the nicest guy I've met on my mission so far.

Today is the start of Presidents second to last transfer which is sort of a bummer, but it's pretty exciting that we're gong to be getting a new mission president. I hope he's as awesome as President Maurer.

We sang in church this past week. Nearer My God To Thee. It was a great start to a testimony meeting. When we sat down the spirit was so intensely there, you could've heard a pin drop.. on the carpet. It's going to suck when our district can't sing together anymore. Because Elder Tou and Elder Hampson (one of our Zone Leaders) are getting transferred, we're not going to be near as good anymore. But I'm kinda ok with that too, we sing quite regularly now and it's getting kinda old lol. We're actually singing again today at transfer meeting.

I'm uber excited to watch General Conference this weekend. We watch it a week later so that we can still watch it at the regular times. So this weekend should be really good. The family we baptised at the beginning of March is moving today. What's up with everyone I baptise moving away?? Hopefully they'll be in good hands though. We gave their phone number to the missionaries where they're moving. And who knows, maybe I'll see them again if I'm ever in that area.

We had dinner at the Main's last night and it was so much fun. It reminds me so much of being at home on Sunday nights. We played games for like 2 hours and they are so fun. I wrote about them in my journal so I wouldn't forget so I can teach yous when I get home. My voice is kinda gone because of one of the games we played. It's kinda like the Haka but in a game. So much fun.

I put reading Jesus the Christ on hold for awhile so I can read the New Testament first. I think it will make reading Jesus The Christ a lot easier if I have The New Testament fresh on my mind. So much good stuff in that book.

That's really it for this week. Sorry it's so uneventful. Next weeks' letter should be better.
Love you all.
Elder Tanner

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