Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So it's temple week this week, and I've always been told that emailing on Monday of temple week was ok. It turns out that I was misinformed. Oh well, at least I know now.

This week has been so much better than last week. Last week was kinda rough for me, but this week has been a lot smoother. Not only are we going to the temple today which is always the highlight of the month for me, but we set a baptismal date for our investigator Emma that we met through the Phillip's family in our ward. She's getting baptised on May 1st which is way good since there's a mission goal for every companionship to baptise in May. We'll be one of the first ones! She's only been to church once other than General Conference and we've only taught her twice but she has already told us that she knows the church is true. How awesome is that?? She's so solid. We wanted to have the baptism this Saturday but it's ward temple day followed by a ward activity so there was no time in there for a baptism. The activity should be fun though. It's called "International Night". they're going to be having food from 15 different countries or something like that. that's how diverse our ward is. I love it though. This feels like my home ward away from home. It is going to be sad when I have to leave this ward, as hard as the investigators are to work with in this area. We had dinner at the Main's house twice since I last emailed, on on Wednesday and one on Monday. I love them. Next week when we go over for dinner we're going to start teaching them the Preach My Gospel lessons again. They want to see how much they can remember since they're getting ready to go to the temple in July. It should be fun. Another one of my favorite families are the McGaugheys. We went over to their house on Saturday and helped him paint a room. They were signing a new lease on their house and had to have the painting done by Sunday so we pretty much spent most of the day over there. We went over at 10 and left around 5. They fed us a lunch of lasagna and it was so good. They would have fed us dinner too but the Zone Leaders were planning on coming over to our flat to cook us dinner, so we passed. One of my least favorite rules is that I can't hold children, because the McGaugheys have the cutest little daughters Katana and Halo. Halo especially, she's like 14 months old I think he said. So cute.

The dinner with the Zone Leaders was good. Elder Ezekiela made us some stir fry and then afterwards we had a bit of a discussion just about things we've been learning in personal study. Elder Cook is a really smart guy. He goes on in August and you can totally tell that he's been 100% consecrated on his mission. he just knows so much about the gospel and it's good to learn from him by example.

This week we got our K allotment for the month (same as Mileage allotment), and we got reduced by 600 K's. So we only get 1200 K's this month and we've been budgeting them as if we had 1800. So by the time we got the phone call we were already at 1050. So pretty much we're going to be biking to everything except the temple and Zone conference. And we're still going to go over on K's no matter what. I think President Maurer is trying to encourage us to ride bikes more. Which is ok for now, now that it rarely gets above 30 degrees. But in a month or so when it starts raining every single day, it may become a challenge. But anything is possible.

Heaps excited for the temple today. I hope the new mission President still lets us go when he gets here. That would be a bummer if he did away with going to the temple, but we'll see. Not a whole lot else going on with me. I've been working as hard as I know how, and trying to learn how to work even harder. I love it out here. I'm so glad I made the decision to come. I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing right now than sitting in a library in Girrawheen, Western Australia telling my family how much I love my mission and wouldn't want to be doing anything else right now... except for maybe eating lunch lol

Love you all,
Elder Tanner

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