Tuesday, April 13, 2010

busy busy busy

So this week I've pretty much felt like a worker bee. Ever since Wednesday Elder Richards and I have just been seeing everyone possible. We had ward council on Wednesday night and they gave us like 25 families to go see and we've been so busy just seeing those people and our investigators and we haven't even had time to go see other members yet, but it's definitely on our to do list. Most of the people we saw that the ward council gave us haven't seen missionaries or been to church in months, or even years, so it was good to see them and have some new people to work with in reactivating. That's pretty much going to be our focus for this transfer, even though we could still possibly get some baptisms. There's a lady named Emma that we got from a member referral and every time we come over she's so happy to see us and let us teach her. And before we even had a chance to invite her to General Conference this week she was like, "I'll see you at the conference on Sunday?" Member referrals are the best. We actually had 3 investigators at General Conference, which was so good. Emma is definitely the most solid though. I think there's a goal in the mission for every compansionship to baptise in May, and I think we can definitely do that.

General Conference was amazing. The Saturday afternoon session was by far the best I thought. I can't wait to get the new Ensign and read Elder Christoffersons talk and Elder Holland's talk again. Even though I took notes like crazy, I know there's a lot that I missed. I've been reading the last conference issue a lot this week and I've definitely needed some of those talks that were given. Even more so with this conference. I really loved it though. That story that President Monson told about the two brothers called to serve at the same time on opposite sides of the veil was so good. I definitely felt the spirit during that talk, more than I did throughout the rest of the conference. I love having Prophets and Apostles on the earth today. I could never deny that they are really called of God, and that Christ is at the head of this church, His church.

I love this gospel and I hope you all love it as much as I do. I love being on a mission. I can't believe how fast time is flying by. Someday I'll be sitting at the library and be wishing it wasn't so close to being over, because I can already tell it's going to be over before I know it. You're all in my prayers and I miss you.

I've been listening to Hill Cumorah Pageant soundtrack allll week. Oh the memories. I can't wait to go back there.

I love you all, sorry this is kinda short, but not much else happened this week.
Elder Tanner

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