Sunday, January 17, 2010

Arabian Nights

Ok, so first let me explain the subject line. My ward mission leaders name is Brother Rajah, he has a daughter named Jasmine, and we started teaching a guy named Jafar this week. Now all we need is a street rat with a magic carpet and a genie and we're all set!
This week wasn't quite as busy as last week but that should be expected with how ridiculously busy last week was. We taught a considerably smaller amount of lessons this week. And we weren't really able to do any tracting or anything of the sort seeing as how it was 40 degrees all week. Hopefully it cools down this week because we need some new investigators badly. I wasn't even able to fall asleep last night until like 1 am because it was so dang hot. But yeah, I think this week should be better. Glover has been kinda down this past week for different reasons, but he says he's gonna step it up this week.
The African family we have been teaching that we were going to be able to baptize at the end of the month still haven't kept any committments including coming to church, so things aren't looking too good there. We're going to try to see them a couple of times this week and I think the son, Koballah, is the most likely one out of all of them, which is like 10, to be baptized. He was super excited when we gave him a French Book of Mormon. So hopefully that goes somewhere. It makes it really hard when none of our investigators have a car too.
This week is the visit by Elder Cook and Bishop Burton. They're having a big Member/Missionary fireside, but since none of our investigators have cars and it's like an hour away, I probably won't get to go to that one. But all three of the visitors (the other is Elder Nielson of the Seventy) will be speaking to all the missionaries this Saturday so I definitely have that to look forward to.
I hope things are all good back home. Feel free to send me a quick email every now and then. I'm getting faster at typing since I have so much to say now.
Have a great week, pray for some cooler weather in Perth,
Love you all,
Elder Tanner

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