Monday, January 11, 2010

Busy Week!

Holy cow! What a busy week this has been. We taught 24 lessons this week. We also baptized a guy on Saturday! The guy that came up to us at church last week, Winston. We went over and taught him the first lesson on Tuesday, and then he told us he wanted to be baptized on Saturday. We had to get a lot of approval from people higher up than us, we called the Zone Leaders, the AP's, and the mission President and got the OK. So we taught him every day this week and then interviewed him on Friday and then baptized him. I didn't get to baptize him, but I got to the confirmation which was awesome. I was really nervous at first since I've never done it, but then once I got up there and was doing it, it wasn't that bad. I can't wait to do it again, which hopefully will be sometime this month or early next month. Hopefully I'll get to do the actual baptizing next time. I got some pictures, but I forgot to bring my camera today to the Library, so I'll either bring it next week or mail my SD card this week, depending on when I get my other one back.

Transfers are taking place today. Nobody in my district got moved, which is weird. We were all expecting our District Leader to go Zone Leader since our Zone Leader is now AP. I kinda feel bad for Elder Jacobs though, he was in my intake, he's the district leaders companion and they don't get along at all. They were really hoping to get split up this transfer. But that's probably why they didn't get split up, because they don't get along. I think our DL is awesome though. I think Elder Jacobs is definitely just going to have to learn to get along with him and vice versa.

I figured out this week that if you don't write "Australia" at the bottom of the address line, the letter takes 1 month to get here. This week I got a letter from grandma that she sent on the 8th of December and a letter from Sis. Heilman that she sent on the 28th of December. So yeah, just that little heads up.

That is so awesome that Bama won the National Championship. I'm glad McCoy got hurt, so Texas feels our pain (literally, haha)

Not much else to talk about this week. Other than today is the start of a new transfer so we get a fresh start on all our goals and things like that. Last transfer we were one baptism short of our goal, and it came on the last possible day, but we taught 70 lessons. So this transfer we're shooting for more baptisms. Which should be easy because the last transfer we spent the first half just finding people since we were doubled into the area.

My time is running out. So I'm gonna make like Coriantumr and get the Shiz outta here.

Love you all,
Elder Tanner

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