Monday, January 4, 2010

Last week of Transfer #1!

So this time next week I'll probably be in the same area with the same companion, but we'll be in transfer #2! I think my District leader may become Zone Leader next transfer because I think my Zone Leader will become AP. That's kind of a bummer though because my Zone Leader is an awesome guy. We've been keeping ourselves way busier this week. We finally have some progressing investigators! We've got an African family of 7 that we've been teaching for 2 weeks now and they want to get baptized. Tomorrow we've got another appointment with them and we're taking a member with us, an African that just got baptized in August. His name is Brother Phillips and he's a great guy. This will be the first time I've had a lesson with another member present. Hopefully it goes well. It's so hard to tell if Africans genuinely understand what you're teaching them sometimes. And we also have another guy we're going to start teaching tomorrow. We actually met him at sacrament meeting yesterday and he came up to us and told us he wanted to be baptized. How often does that happen? haha. So it should be a pretty exciting month as far as baptisms go.

We're teaching a family home evening lesson tonight with this really awesome less active family from New Zealand, the McGaugheys. They have 6 kids all under the age of 9. Brother McGaughey wants to baptize his 9 year old kid, Tayzah, himself but he's not able to right now because of some stuff going on in his life. But it will definitely happen at some piont. Just maybe not in the near future. Brother and Sister McGaughey wants to get married in the temple someday. Just as soon as they start going back to church and stuff.

We tracted for 5 hours on January 2nd. It was crazy hot that day too, 40 degrees I believe. We only got to teach 2 lessons from our tracting, and I don't think anything major will come from them. I'm more excited for the other people we're taching. We were actually going to tract for 10 hours that day but we would have died. Our Zone Leaders were hardcore and tracted for 12 hours that day.. but their area is next to the ocean so they had a nice breeze all day. They did get sunburned though I guess. We did tract longer than our district leader so that made us feel a little better haha.

Not much else going on. Still working with our regular less actives, the Banucus, Jamie Rees, we haven't gotten one of them to come to church yet, but we keep trying. We have a dinner appointment every night this week believe it or not. So I think I'm gonna go to just eating breakfast and dinner and biking at least 2 hours a day, so I don't put on any weight.

Going to see some Kangaroos today at Yanchep National Park, about 40 K's from here. I'll take some pictures and send them home soon.

Oh that reminds me, mom if you ever see Elder Klienman again at the church or something, could you give him my address and/or email address and tell him to shoot me a letter or something? That would be awesome. Also, I need some family email addresses. Like extended family I mean. Thanks :D

Love you all, can't wait to hear from everybody!
Elder Tanner

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