Sunday, January 31, 2010

Time flies when you're... being obedient (which is also having fun)

It's true. Obedience = success.

This week has been such an improvement over that past few weeks. Elder Glover decided to stop listening to his non-missionary music, and it's amazing how something as small as that can really change the way things are going. We taught more lessons this week than we taught in the past 2 weeks combined, and were able to have 13 new people come to church! It was was exciting! Almost overwhelming. We had potential to have 19 there though, so there's always room for improvement. Maybe next week we'll get 19. I just gotta keep doing my best and making my best better.

We had a great 5th Sunday lesson yesterday. Our ward mission leader presented a plan for the Ward mission plan and also family mission plans. So this week we're going to try to see some people in the ward and help them get their family mission plan started. I'm really excited to do that, because we realized yesterday that we don't have a single white investigator, and I think if we did than that would mean that the members are doing their part. Like with all the Africans at church yesterday, there was very little if any fellowship for them because we only have one African family in our ward and they don't really know what fellowshipping is I think.

I had the worst food experience of my mission to date this week. Basically, I ate manure. We were teaching this investigator and his sister comes out and asks us if we would like some rice. So we're like.. sure, rice is good, why not? She comes out with these two plates of rice, covered in this brown stuff that looked, smelled, and tasted like spicy poo. literally. I only was able to eat 3 bites before I had to call it quits. Elder Glover hammered it down though. I asked him how he did that and he just said "you just gotta get an attitude and eat it". It was absolutely terrible. Makes me feel glad I'm not serving in Africa, but then again, my area right now is like a mini Africa. African food is just... bleh... I'm gagging right now thinking about it. I'd take mushrooms over African anyday.

I was reading in January's ensign Elder Hollands article about remembering Lot's wife, and it really is what I think inspired me to have such a great week. If you guys haven't read that yet, give it a read. It's great. Also, the temple was great on Wednesday. The President Maurer and his wife were in the session with us and he gave me some great advice afterwards and it was really nice to just talk to him in the temple for a little bit.

Well I gotta go. Hope you all have a good week. Don't forget to read your scriptures and pray morning and night. "By small and simple things are great things brought to pass", reading and praying are those small and simple things.

Heaps of love,
Elder Tanner

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