Monday, January 25, 2010

Elder Cook's Visit

This week was flippin sweet.
Monday through Friday was just average, taught a couple of lessons to our normal investigators, the Shumos, Gayedore and Banita, and a lady named Margaret. They're all African and they all love having us over to teach them. The Shumos and Gayedore and Banita actually came to hear Bishop Burton speak on Saturday night which was a really big step for us and them. And Margaret is going to come to church next week after she gets back from her dad's funeral in Africa.
But anyways, on Saturday we had the missionary conference with Bishop Burton and Elder Cook and we got to shake their hands and it was awesome. When Bishop Burton spoke he told us that this was going to be the most exciting year in the history of the church. He didn't tell us why but he just said the gospel was going to EXPLODE across the world this year. So that's pretty dang exciting. And when Elder Cook spoke he said something that really stuck with me. He said what I'm doing right now is the most important thing I could be doing at this time in my life. Not only for me, but for my parents, my siblings, my grandparents, my future spouse, my future children, my future grandchildren and so on. That just really stuck with me and it probably will for the rest of my mission. Other than that he just talked about how Preach My Gospel is inspired, I can't really remember what else he said, but I took notes, so It's all good.
In our Stake Conference Bishop Burton pretty much just told stories about all the prophets he has met/worked with. He told a story about how when he was young he met David O. Mckay and David O. Mckay told him a story about how when he was young he met John Taylor and John Taylor showed him some of the bullet wounds in him from Carthage Jail. That was a pretty cool story.
I wish we could have an apostle visit every week. Everything just went really well this week as we prepared ourselves for his visit. It was easier to go out and do stuff that usually we really wouldn't want to do, such as tracting in 100 degree weather haha.
I'm pretty ready for this transfer to end. I'm just ready for a new companion and new area. I love Elder Glover and all but he isn't as obedient as I want to be. And he gets caught up in a lot of "mission drama", something that I didn't even know existed. And I think it would be really cool to teach a white person haha. I think I could be here for 6 months though because President Maurer said he's going to start keeping people in areas longer. So we'll see how it goes.
My times about up, but I hope everyone has a great week. I miss you all. I'm doing my part out here so I know the Lord is taking care of everybody back home.
Love you all!
Elder Tanner

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